Monday, September 13, 2010

Extra, all about it!

It's two AM and I cannot sleep. Things had been going pretty well with the recovery of my hip but I have so much on my mind as of late, that it seems to be impeding my sleep. Surprise, surprise!

An update on the hip: my incision is still not completely closed and has started draining AGAIN. I swear that this is never going to stop. I also swear that I officially bleed yellow and not red like most humans. This yellow substance seems to be coming out of me in full force...and it has been over six weeks since my surgery. So I called the on-call doctor this weekend, who just happened to be my doctor, and he put me back on the antibiotics and I have to go back in on Tuesday. I am getting really irritated at this point. He also said that I should not be still draining and the wound should have healed by now, so he may have to go back into the operating room and open me up AGAIN to see what the problem is. Whatever. I am so done with this whole hip thing. It is getting old real quick.

As for what else is going on in my life? A whole lot of nothing.

I guess that isn't entirely true. I have been crocheting afghans like keeps me busy. Also I have been walking around much more and have even left the house a few times that WERE NOT medically related. WOO-HOO!! I shouldn't make is progress. I feel like I have completely lost a whole summer, although I didn't get my surgery until later in July. It just seems like I have been housebound for so long, that before I know it, the holidays will be here and a new year.

I guess the upside to all of this is that I am in considerably much less pain than I have ever been in a long time. I am thinking maybe that the hip pain that I had been dealing with for the last year greatly impacted my RA as well, because recently, I feel great! So there is a silver lining, right? I am trying to stay positive and being in less pain on a day to day basis helps me to do that. I don't get bogged down with the anger, sadness, and overall depression of it all.

Well, I guess I have about covered most of the updates. I will try to start posting again more regularly. This is therapeutic for me.

Wishing you all great health and humor!