"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
I love "The Princess Bride"...such a GREAT movie. This is one of my favorite quotes from the film. One of the characters, continuously uses the word "inconceivable" and many times incorrectly.
What is it with words? I mean, why is it so obtrusive when people misuse a word or misunderstand the meaning that we feel it important to correct that person, OR we immediately assume that person is not, um, very edumacated!
I am guilty of this as well, BUT to my defense, it isn't that I am trying to correct the person by implying, "Oh, little grass-hoppa, let me educate you, as I am smart and you...well not so much!" My attitude is more like, "Um, so is that how you say that? I have always said it this way..." or "I didn't realize that is what that word meant; I thought it meant this..."
I feel like it is a little, um, nicer to do it that way then directly calling someone out and telling them that they are WRONG!!
One of my very close friends and I have had a difference of opinion about this. Her argument is not that you are belittling the person or even talking down to them, but wouldn't you rather know the truth and correct usage rather then continuing being wrong?? I get her argument, but I think it comes down to the WAY in which you correct people.
No One likes to be told they're wrong.
('specially me!! Cuz I rarely am!! :))
I knows that I am not the most smartest kid on the block, but I does know a thing or two about some stuffs!!
In the gossip rags, there has been much debate recently after a public flub-up by a housewife on Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills."
(I watch for pure depraved and personal pleasure. Shut up. It's my thing. Get over it.)

Recently on the finale, Camille Grammer (Yes, it is Fraser's soon to be ex wife), used the word "pernicious" and "Machiavellian" to describe another one of the housewives. It is really funny how she used it. It was almost like a little kid who heard a word and used it thinking that they understood the meaning and thinking that they were pretty hot shit for using such a big word!!
It came up in the reunion show and they made a big deal about it...and I have to admit, I was right there with my friend and wanting to correct her and not do it in a "not very nice" way.
So, I guess there is a double standard. I mean, why did I react to her in this way??
Why did her misuse of the words BUG me to no end??
Why did I want to slap the shit out of her??
The more I think about it, the more I realize it is her that I have a problem with....not her incompetence or severe lack of intelligence. She is one of those rich women, who doesn't work, has FOUR nannies for her TWO children, and thinks she works 30% harder than any other person in the world. Her words, not mine.
Puke. Gag. Retch. Heave.
Really? Lady, you have more money than 99% of the world (her estimated divorce settlement from Kelsey Grammer is going to be somewhere in the ballpark of $50 million), you live in a house that is over 14,000 square feet, you have NO job, you have a personal assistant, a house manager, a house keeper, four nannies, a personal chef, personal trainer, a personal ass wiper, etc, etc, etc. ( I could go on, but I am fighting back the bile as I type)
This woman is CLUELESS!!! Not only is she stupid, but she is delusional as well. But I guess when you have THAT much money that you got from NO prenuptial agreement, then hey...I guess she can't be THAT stupid, right?
Wishing you all good health and humor!