Kittens! Just the word itself inflicts good thoughts and warm fuzzies, don't you think?
My mother, who is now getting on in her years and ever so more set in her ways, has decided in her infinite wisdom that she wants a new kitten. A good friend who works at a Vet clinic told me of a mother cat and four babies who had been discarded on the clinic's front steps. I told my mother and well, that was she needed. Mother decided to adopt one of those "poor little things" and bring it home to my father, who pretends to dislike cats (and that is putting it mildly), and her two dogs and one very old and very opinionated tortoise-shell cat, Rajah.
Rajah was not originally my parent's cat. She was adopted in after one of my siblings moved to another city and left her at my parent's house. One of the ways in which my parents have acquired most of their pets over the years. Rajah is a moody cat. She is set in her ways. She doesn't like people or children. She doesn't really like anything unless it is her idea or with her approval. She is a bit of a drama queen and when she is unhappy, EVERYONE knows about it. She is moreover the queen of the house.
So you can imagine that she was none too pleased when the TWO, yes, I said two, new kittens came home with my mother from the vet clinic. Mother went to retrieve her new kitten, but then decided it would not be right to only take she got two. That way they would have someone to play with, because Lord knows, Rajah was not about to partake in such matters. Needless to say, Rajah has not been very happy these last few days. She has not been eating. Hissing at everything from the dogs to the furniture. She won't go near the kittens, who of course are just curious and want to be friends. I am actually not sure if she will ever warm up to them.
But how can you not like kittens? They are adorable and cute. They sleep and play and eat and sleep. They have cute little voices when they meow. Seriously, how can your heart not just melt when you see them?
These are the questions to Rajah. I wonder if she will ever get used to them or forgive my mother for bringing them into her life. She has outright refused to accept their existence and has ultimately become the Queen of Denial!
However, I tell my mother to sleep with one eye open at night, because I can just envision Rajah about to slit her throat with her claw...that is something that Rajah would do...I am sure of it! She may not want to acknowledge their existence, but she sure will prove to everyone how unhappy she way to live, Rajah; no way to live.
Take it from someone who knows a thing or two about anger, denial, and the like. Living like that is no way to spend your days. Accept and move on! :)
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