Oh My Holy Hell!
I was awakened (wait, is that right? awakened? Or should it be woken? Shit, I don't know; all I know is I shot out of bed from a dead sleep) last night by a piercing and excruciating pain in my calf muscle! As I leaned over to grab the back of my leg and quickly began to flex my foot, the pain moved to the front of my shin. So I flex my foot in another direction to ease the front leg pain and the back burns now with more force than ever. I stare at my foot which is by this point moving on its own as it kinks to the left and begins pulling upward. I had no control over my foot or leg by this point and all I can do is frantically try and make the pain stop, by rubbing my legs on the front and back. Here I am rolling around in the blankets, breaking out into a sweat from the pain, and trying not to scream, as my leg rages war against my body.
I thought I was going to die!
I have had Charlie Horses before. And I have had Shin Splints before. But I have NEVER had both at the same time. All I can do is laugh now about what a sight it must have been to witness such an absurd dramatic show, but I tell you what, I never want that to happen again.
Having RA, you learn to deal with pain. Pretty much, you are in pain of some sort on a daily basis. I like to think of it in the terms that the hospitals give with the stupid smiley and sad faces. Level one is a smiley face with little or no pain. Level ten is a sobbing out of control pained circle man, that is in the most amount of pain possible.
If only it were that easy to determine.
There are days when I am at a level seven. But most are a level three. I think a good day where I don't have to take the narcotics for my pain, I am comfortable at a level three. That's right, I said comfortable at a level three. I know that seems strange when I should be saying that I am comfortable with NO pain, but that is one of the things about having RA; you will pretty much always be in pain. It is just a matter of dealing with it and coping with the roller-coaster ride that which is your daily pain management.
Managing the pain is something that we RA sufferers deal with. Which is why it would seem strange that I am making such a fuss over lasts night's events. But last night was an exception. I have never in all my life been taken aback and literally breathless by the sharp stabbing pain that I experienced last night. At least with the RA, I start feeling bad and the pain progresses from one level to the next. But not last night. I was sleeping peacefully and then was struck instantly with the pain. I wasn't prepared. I wasn't ready to manage that.
So tonight, I go to bed ready and waiting. I have my pain medication on my night stand next to a bottle of muscle rub (that smells like Mentholatum but does ease muscle tension), and my handy dandy massage bug. It is a little handheld massager that to me looks like a bug or a four legged spider.
The Charlie Horse and Shin Splints will be no match for Mister Bug Massager!
That's all for now. I will let you all know if they come back. I know you will be waiting anxiously with bated breath! Lord knows I will be!
Wishing you all good health and humor!
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