So I am going in for my very first MRI tomorrow morning. All I can think of in my head is Robin Williams voice as the Genie in "Aladdin" describing how he lives in a bottle..."Itty-Bitty living space!" Needless to say, I am not very excited. You know how people say they are claustrophobic but really they are just a little uncomfortable in small spaces, and then there are those who really mean it?? Well I am the latter.
It is not a joke. It is not just some little quirk that is supposed to be cute or even eccentric. No, my friends, I am deathly afraid of small or tight spaces. Even elevators and ESPECIALLY if there are several people all crammed into one elevator.
This reminds me of the time I went to the Empire State Building with my sister back in 1997. We had paid our admission to the top and waited patiently in line with several other people who were all just as anxious to experience this iconic fanfare that is known around the world. We giggled with anticipation and smiled as they began to load people on the elevator to go up the 86 floors to the observatory deck.
I watched as the man herded the visitors of all shapes and sizes into the square cube that would pulley us to the top. More and more, he pushed into the small cube as people awkwardly moved to make room for more people. I felt the hair on the back of my neck begin to rise. We were coming closer and closer to the man. Please, God, I hope we get the next ride up. I can't get on there with all these people.
As we moved through the velvet roped line, we arrived next in line. The man ushered us into the elevator, the last to be put aboard. I tried to find my voice to object, as the doors closed within an inch of my face. Slowly the elevator chugged into motion and we were off.
Long story short...by the time we reached the top, I barreled out of that elevator like the boogieman was on my tail and hauled ass across the room to try and catch my breath. I was drenched with sweat and anxiety. Let's just say, that I didn't enjoy my time at the observation deck, as it took several minutes to try and calm myself from the panic attack that ensued after that horrific elevator ride.
I told my sister that I refused to get back into that elevator and that I would walk down the stairs. Well, needless to say, she wouldn't let me, nor would the man who worked there, and advised me against it as well.
So going to get an MRI where they strap you down to a board and push you into a tube that is no where near a suitable size, and expect me to be calm?? I think not!
My doctor said she ordered an Ativan to calm me down 30 minutes before my appointment. Let's hope that it works. Because I don't think I can escape the itty-bitty tube like I did the elevator...but I am fairly resourceful. I may be able to figure it out!!
Wishing you all good humor and health!
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