Today I had yet another doctor's appointment with my Orthopedic Surgeon. Well, actually, it was with his Physician's Assistant (PA), who is a really nice guy, highly knowledgeable and pretty empathetic...all good qualities for those who are in health care.
Anyways, I arrived right on time, 10:30 am, as I like to be punctual (it is a control thing). My father was the lucky soul who got to drive me to the appointment, as my mother was feeling a little under the weather. He is not the most patient man, and quite honestly, not my first choice to take me anywhere where waiting is required. The man has ZERO patience. So I checked in and took my seat.
A HALF AN HOUR LATER...I hobbled up to the front desk to ask, as politely as possible considering I was in a little pain and the chairs in the waiting room were not all that comfy, when they thought I might be taken back to see the doctor as I had been waiting for over a half hour.
The "snippy" girl behind the glass, who was obviously not enjoying her job that day, tells me that I am next, but that my appointment was not until 11:00 am and therefore, I should be going back momentarily. I corrected her that my appointment was at 10:30. A little argument ensued and finally, I walked back to my chair, a little more irritated and wanting to walk out. Apparently, my appointment was written on my reminder card for 10:30 but put in the system for 11:00. This mistake apparently does not warrant an apology. Okay, whatever.
ANOTHER HALF HOUR LATER...my Dad walks up to "chat" with the snippy girl behind the counter. Well, let's just say, that it is not the smartest thing to do to get attitude with my father. A another little argument ensued where the girl informed my father that they were extremely busy this morning and had already seen 173 patients alone. My father's reply? "Perhaps you shouldn't schedule so many appointments if you don't have adequate time to spend with them. Just a thought." She didn't like my Dad or his suggestions...I could see it in the daggers she shot at him as he walked back to the chairs. I couldn't contain myself...I had to laugh. She assured my father that I was next in line.
TEN MINUTES LATER...my name was called. I jumped up and hobbled my way back behind the desk and followed the nurse to my little room. She asked how I was doing. "Honestly? I am a little irritated. I have been waiting for over an hour out there!" I explained what happened and she, like Miss Snippy upfront, told me that my appointment was at 11:00. I was not about to argue with another dimwit so I just shut up and followed her to my room. She told me to have a seat and the PA would be in shortly. He came in, was in my room for a total of three minutes, left and told me that everything looked great and we were right on track.
I wasted over an hour of my life (more like two hours if you include travel time to and from the doctor's office) for a three minute session with the PA (not even the actual surgeon) so that he could tell me that everything looked good and that he didn't need to see me unless something changes? EXCUSE ME?? WTF?? Why could he have not just asked me a few questions over the phone and made that determination??
So this leaves me to my question...should I send a bill to the doctor's office for my time? Don't you think that it is ridiculous that a doctor can post a sign that states "If you are ten minutes late to your appointment, you will have to be rescheduled", but yet they can make me wait for over an hour and barley apologize? I think that they think their time is more valuable than mine...and I AM PAYING THEM!!!
Here is a thought...the Hippocratic Oath, that all doctors take upon graduation of medical school, states that they will "do no harm." Well as far as I am concerned, I was harmed today with disrespect and rudeness.
It is stupid. It is frustrating. It is something that I guess we all have to deal with, because it will never change. I just think there should be some type of incentive for those who are on time or even early to their appointments, AND there should be some reimbursement for the time wasted on MY dime! It just seems like there should be a specific etiquette for doctors...kinda like the Hippocratic Oath, maybe they should have an oath to make sure that they treat us with the same respect we give them. They are NOT better than us and their time is NOT more valuable than mine. Just a thought.
Well, I will quit bitching...I know this post is angry and a bit negative, but I am not in a great mood. So irritating.
Wishing you all good health and humor...hopefully more of a sense of humor than I had today!!
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