Times are a changin'!
A couple nights ago I went to dinner with some friends and had a wonderful time. We have not broke bread with one another since my Happy Birthday party last July. The weekend before my personal hell started...also known as my hip surgery.
It was great. No, it was better than great. I was Fan-freakin-tastic!
Yesterday, I was able to do the dishes. I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Now, I know what you are thinking..."so what?" Or maybe some of you are thinking, "why in the hell are you so excited that you did dishes yesterday?" Quite simply my reply would be on both...BECAUSE IT IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE JULY THAT I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO IT ON MY OWN!!!
And THAT my friends, is a BIG-freakin-Deal!!
Today...I was able to clean the bathroom. Well, I couldn't do the toilet, because it is still a bit difficult and a little painful to bend over too much, and I am petrified to actually get my fat butt on the floor in fear that I may not be able to get myself back up again (we are not having a repeat of the firemen and paramedics from when I couldn't walk back in November...so embarrassing). So, Mom did the toilet, but I was able to clean the rest...it may have taken me a little longer than usual, and in all honesty, I broke a little sweat, BUT the moral of this story is the same as the previous....I DID IT ON MY OWN!!
This may seem like silly small potatoes to many of you, but to me, it is A-mazing! Over the last month I have slowly been gaining back my abilities to do "the little things in life" for myself (like my laundry and cooking) To me, it means that my pain levels are diminishing. To me, it means that I may be on the right road to recovery (that last dirt road I was on, was WAY off...I think I need to get a new GPS). To me, this means that times are a changin'!
I feel better. I am acting better. I think it is safe to say, that things are, overall, BETTER!! And THAT, my dear friends, is wonderful. All of these little things, separately are not that significant, but if you put them all together, it is a huge step in the right direction.
So, what has changed?
Well, now don't laugh. Many of you out there who know me well, know that I am not the most "religious" of people. I believe in God...I think...although I am not so keen on the Bible (that is a whole other conversation), but I tease my Mother all the time that if we need a good report from the doctor or if we want to ward off bad news, than I tell her to start praying to HER God. She questioned me once why her God was different than mine. I just told her that we seem to get better results from her God when she prays! I am a numbers girl. I work the odds. Basically, she has had a longer and much more personal relationship with her God than I have with mine.
Anyways, moving on, so as of late I have been praying every night and praying that God will send the power of healing and strength to my hip and leg. I repeat it, like a mantra, over and over (YES, in my head. I would sound crazy otherwise) and as I repeat it I envision in my mind the break in my hip (the picture from my Xrays) and I envision it healing and building calcifications around the break, something my body has yet to do until now.
Now, I am not saying that this is the only reason I am getting better...it could just be that it is time to start healing, but it is a bit coincidental that it all began once I started praying.
So what does it mean?
**(WHAT DOES IT MEAN???...hahaha...that is a personal joke for my sister)**
But what does it mean? Why am I suddenly getting better? Could it be God? Could He FINALLY be hearing my pleas? Am I really on the road to recovery??
I tend to be a little hesitant and gun shy and not want to get my hopes up in fear that it will go Bass Ackwards like last time, but I am holding on to the glimmering hope of the possibility that maybe, JUST MAYBE, I am finally getting better. I can finally start doing the dishes again. I can finally start cleaning the bathrooms again, and possibly the living rooms too. Maybe I can begin to think of having a social life again. And maybe, this nightmare is almost over.
Well, I can't answer the questions because I don't know...but I can hope. I can remain hopeful that the end is near. So my God or Mom's God...whoever is answering my prayers, all I have to say is THANK YOU!!
I will make sure to keep you posted. Fingers crossed that my reports only get better from here and I will report that I got to drive a car and do my own shopping. It will be great and I can't wait. I CAN wait to clean the cat box...that is something I hope that I never have to do again for the rest of my life, but I don't see that happening. Too bad the pins they put in my hip didn't make me allergic to cat liter of something...that would be so cool! Kidding Mom...sorta!
Wishing you all good humor and health...and happiness with the little things in life!