Time for an update I reckon!
Went to the wound clinic today. Doc says that he is keeping me on the antibiotics until the wound is completely closed, since every time in the last five months we have taken me off, my infection tends to rear it's ugly head. Which means that I will continue to have gut rot and irritable bowels...betcha didn't need to know that did you?
We are STILL waiting to hear if my stupid insurance is going to approve the pig bladder remedy. Although I am kinda hoping that it doesn't come through because I will have to stop eating pork, and I like me some bacon. Why will I have to stop eating pork you may ask? I find it rude to have a pigs bladder put into my body and then I turn around and eat one of his friends/possible family members. So? So, you say? You're CANNIBALS...all of you!! Sick and wrong.
For those of you who have no freaking idea what the hell I am talking about...my doctor wants to put something called ECM (extra cellular matrix) which is a powder that is made from the bladders of pigs. They scrape the insides of a pig's bladder, dry it, put it into a powder form and then sprinkle it in my open wound. Gross I know, but apparently it works. It binds with my cells and tells my cells to start growing more cells and voila...new Piggy/Andi tissue!
Please keep your smart-ass comments and jokes to yourself, thank you!!
My wound has been getting much smaller as the days fly by, and my pain levels have decreased immensely. All good news. I just tend to be a bit of a pessimist and wonder when this ride will end, as it always seems to do. I still pray every night that I get better and SOON.
I know it will all come but like my father, I have no patience. I think perhaps I was born without it. I am NOTHING like my father actually...I mean, that man has absolutely NO patience, but I still get frustrated quite easily. I want it to be over.
My family is still caring for me and doing a wonderful job, which I cannot find a fault (not that I am looking...just sayin'). I am so ready to move out and get my place back...I am sure they feel the same, as I can't imagine it is fun to have a grown child move back in...and one that is sick to boot!
Every day I try to keep my spirits up. My RA has actually been doing fairly well, and I am hoping that stays the same. But my body seems to work like that; it can only handle one thing at a time. If I am having a flare, there are no other ailments. If I have a migraine, my joints feel fine for the day. If I am sick with a cold or flu, my RA seems to hibernate like a bear in winter. I don't get it. Its weird. Especially since I am AWESOME at multitasking!! Don't know why my body can't comply.
Well that's about it. I will try to make another update when something interesting happens, otherwise, I will just continue with my personal ramblings and rants!
Wishing you all good health and humor!!
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