Okay so I decided to try something a bit different. I know this has nothing to do with me living with Rheumatoid Arthritis but BECAUSE I have this nasty disease, I have more time to "lay around reading all day" as somebody once said. Ahem, that somebody shall remain nameless. *Sheepish grin*
So, without much further ado, I will give you my first, of what I hope to be many, book review. Now, some may be wondering what qualifications I have to give such suggestions? Well, the answer would be simply this: none. Nada. I have no professional qualifications. I have no fancy degree. I have no legitimate critical skills to make such suggestions. I do, however, have weird, and what some may consider eclectic, taste in literature. I was an English Literature major in college (only 16 credits shy of my Bachelor's degree at Gonzaga University). And I have had a love of reading since, umm well, since I could read!! So there you have it. You can either choose to read on (if you deem me so qualified) or quit now (and NEVER know what you are missing). Your choice. I will sit here and wait while you decide.
Doop die do.
*Nails tapping*
What? Oh, okay, then let's begin! (Good choice!)
I was watching the telly the other day and saw a movie trailer for an upcoming film called "One Day" featuring Anne Hathaway (Disney's Darling) and Jim Sturgess (the yummy lad who plays Jude in "Across the Universe," one of my favorite films). Immediately upon watching the trailer, I was hooked. So off to Amazon.com to order the book, and two painful days later (thanks to my Amazon Prime membership, I get free two-day shipping), I was nestled with my novel, ready to begin the twenty year journey of a boy and a girl, who could never get their timing, quite right.
"One Day" (written by David Nicholls, a British author of both novels and screenplays) begins in Scotland July 15, 1988 with protagonists, Emma and Dexter. Two classmates from Edinburgh College on the day of their commencement, anxiously (and a tad neurotically) awaiting the beginning of their lives, who meet for the first time and share one life changing night. A night that will begin their journey, together and apart, of life and all its ups and downs that so many of us have experienced. This one day of a chance meeting changes their path creating one of the most exquisite loves stories of our time.
Nicholls delicately vacillates between romance and friendship, allowing Emma and Dexter to struggle to find not only themselves, but each other, through the course of twenty years. Each chapter is one day (July 15) of each consecutive year. They are but a mere glance at where Emma and Dexter have landed whether it be working as a waitress at a cheeky Mexican Restaurant or traveling from one country to the next not knowing what direction to take your life. "One Day" tackles the questions of life such as: what do you do when you fall in love with your best friend or what chances are you willing to take for security, career, love, and friendship.
Nicholls is a grand master at the art of storytelling. His chapters are fluid and rich allowing the reader to take the journey with his characters. You love them and hate them, much like Emma and Dexter's relationship, yet find yourself rooting for them to come together in the end. Quite frankly, I couldn't stop reading.
I feel that I should leave it at that, and not give too much away. It is one of those novels that though you think you know what is going to happen, but find yourself surprised and a little shocked as the events unfold year after year. I literally could not put it down nearing the end (actually I stayed up until 2:30 in the am to finish it). It was that good.
If you are looking for a short but excellently written novel that you can loose yourself in, than this is the book for you! I think both men and women alike can appreciate this book because it deals with the emotional and physical challenges of life that we all face. I cannot recommend this book enough.
If you are interested in purchasing this book, click here to buy it from amazon.com. I should tell you that there are two versions available on amazon. One is what they are calling a "movie tie-in edition." I have no idea what the difference is, but I read the original publication (if you want to purchase the one I read). You can decide the difference.
Just DO IT!! BUY IT!!
If you do, I would love to hear your opinions on whether you enjoyed it, whether you agree or disagree with my assessment of the book. All that good stuff. After all, it makes the experience that much better if you can share it with others, right?
Thank you for allowing me to give you a reading suggestion. I hope to do this more often and perhaps include films and music as well. I will always warn you with the title of the post if it will be a review (in case you are not interested in my opinions...I have been told a time or two to keep them to myself).
Again, wishing you all good health and happy reading!
One more thing...I am anxiously awaiting the movie to come out, however with most films that derive from books, they tend to butcher them and I walk away unfulfilled and dissatisfied. I have already noticed a few changes they have made just from the trailer. Oh well, I will still watch it. It opens at a theater near you on August 19, 2011! :)