Yesterday my (not so favorite) nurse came to the house to examine my wound. She is a specialty nurse because she deals mainly with special cases and wounds such as mine. I guess I just called myself a special case. Hmmm.
Anywho, she decided to put this foam like spongy stuff in my wound that is bright Royal Blue! It apparently contains a dye (thus the vibrant color) that is antimicrobial but it also promotes tissue growth and healing. She said we will try it for two weeks and at the end of that period, then evaluate if it made any difference. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping, of course, that I do not turn into a smurf!!
In honor of things blue I have decided to put together a few facts that have to do with being BLUE!
1. The color Blue is my favorite color or hue. I love all shades of blue: turquoise, robin egg, sky, powder, royal, sapphire, indigo, teal, baby, navy, heather, aqua, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, cyan, electric, indigo, ultramarine, pacific.
2. The English word "blue" comes from the French word "bleu".
3. It is one of the primary colors. The other primary colors are red and yellow.

4. It is generally stereotyped to the male gender. Pink is for girls!
5. One of my favorite foods is BLUEberries, which FYI are very good for you!

6. The Democratic Party color is blue. Need I say more?
7. I love Bleu Cheese Dressing! YUM! Add some hot wings equals happiness!
8. My eyes are blue. Well, blue with brown flecks in the center. That's why I tell people I am only partially "full of shit"!
9. A blue moon is defined as the second full moon in a calendar month. The last recorded blue moon was on December 31, 2010. I tried to view it, but I live in the Pacific Northwest and therefore the forecast called for clouds, clouds, and more clouds!

10. All babies are born with blue eyes. Within their first year of life, their eyes will change color to their permanent shade (i.e. blue, brown, green, hazel, etc)
11. People use the term "being blue" to mean being depressed or down. Something I have been lately, but not today!! Feeling pretty good today...mentally that is.
12. Blue is associated with things that are freezing or cold, but the flame from fire is actually blue...weird.
Okay, enough with the random trivia, which I am sure most of you already knew. Just a quirky posting that I felt like sharing!
I will be sure to let ya'll know if the blue spongy thing works! Here's hoping!
Wishing you all good humor and health!
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