Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You made your you can LIE in it...

Have you ever wondered what possesses a person to lie?

Have you yourself ever told a big fat whopper? Did you feel remorse afterward?

The subject of truth and deception is an old hat when it comes to some people. Some people have constructed their entire lives around a leaky foundation of lies and deceit that they don't know the truth from their lies anymore.

I am referring to one person in my life in particular, but for the sake of anonymity, I will not post her name or rank. But let's just say, that in my life, although she is not unique to the subject of deceit, she is by far the most destructive and crafty.

It amazes me when people think that making shit up is okay. How is that ever okay once you past puberty? I mean other than, of course, when you were a teenager and trying to get out of trouble for being at a party, or getting caught smoking...sure, who didn't lie then to try and CYA (Cover Your Asses)? But it is when we are adults that we grow out of these immoral behaviors of lying and manipulating other people to get what we want.

What is really sad, is there are people who think that this is a way of life. They go their entire adulthood from one lie to the next, one manipulation to the next, and one drama to the next. That is another thing...have you ever noticed that people who lie a lot have a LOT of drama surround their lives? Makes you wonder, don't it?

I don't know, it just seems to me that people like this have missed something in the process of becoming a responsible adult. There was a defect in the foundation or learning process. Sometimes I wonder if those people can ever move past the defect and try and remedy the situation. Sometimes it is just too late; they are doomed to remain liars and manipulators for the rest of their lives.

It is sad actually. But the funny thing is...they don't realize how pathetic and sad their lives really are, because they tell themselves that they are the victim and it is not their fault...which is actually...a lie!

Funny how things work out that way!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy "truthful" day!

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