Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Rant...

Just some observations...

1. Is it just me or does American Idol need to fire their wardrobe people?

WTF are these kids wearing?

And don't even get me started on Stephen Tyler's pink ruffled pirate top...arrgh matey! Or should I say, "Wassup there, sweet thang?" You go girl, er, boy!

Am I really that out of the loop in fashion? I know my wardrobe right now consists mostly of sweatpants and lounge pants from Old Navy, but I would like to think that I at least KNOW what is and isn't fashionable. And if that is what is in...then I am so OUT!

I don't get it. I seems like the shows on television that involve the kids of today are lost when it comes to anything cute or fashionable. For instance, there is Glee (a show which I LOVE and will gladly refer to myself as a "Gleek" for obvious reasons) and then there are shows like Gossip Girl and Hellcats that show unrealistic versions of these adult wannabe boys and girls. I was thinking Glee was unrealistic as well, but i think I may be wrong (shut up...I admit when I am wrong; it just doesn't happen that often).

Maybe the kids really are like this? Maybe they really do act and dress like they are portrayed on television. If that is the case, then LORD help us. We are in trouble!

2. I was at Walmart today and I realized why I hate that store. There is never anyone around to help you and they NEVER have any of the handicap carts available when I go there. I mean, how hard is it to figure out that perhaps you should get more if they are ALWAYS occupied and your customers are waiting around to use them. Just a thought.

3. Today is the third day in a row that I have had a headache before I have gotten ready for bed and it is getting a little old. Not sure what in the hell that is all about, but that is NOT okay. I think I have enough "other" problems, that I do not need to start throwing other ailments into the mix. Just sayin'.

4. As I fired up the old laptop a couple days ago, I see the first news story...

"Kelsey Grammer weds...again!"

I don't mean to be mean, but seriously? Have we nothing else better to talk about or discuss in this world with all the crap happening around us that out TOP news story is about a washed up sitcom star and his new flight attendant trophy wife, who happens to be younger than I am and he 26 years her senior? Really? (like we haven't heard THAT story before. A flight attendant Kelsey? What, your dog walker or massage therapist didn't do it for you?)

I for one find the news always a bit of a downer; there never seems to be any good news, but COME ON PEOPLE, I think we can find SOMETHING a bit more pressing or important than Kelsey Grammer's fourth walk down the aisle!

5. I did find something at Walmart that I think was just GENIUS!! There is a new candy bar called a "Thingamajig"...and it was YUMMY!! It is produced by the same people who make the "Whatchamacallit" and it is JUST as good, if not better! I guess that makes up for all the other bullshit today.

Chocolate always makes things better.

Well, chocolate and alcohol, but I am off the bottle, so I choose chocolate...and Chaka Khan! (That was a Bridget Jones reference, in case you were wondering).

Basically, I am not in the best mood I felt it necessary to share my frustrations with you all since I have a blog...and no life! Lucky you!!

Wishing you all good health, and better humor than I am in!

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