Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around...

Today on Facebook, I saw a comment from one of my younger friends entitled:

"I hate all F&#@ing cops!"

Obviously this caught my attention.

You see this friend of mine is quite young. She just turned 21 as a matter of fact and therefore, I was curious as to why she was so upset with the police force. As I read further, I found out the reason she was so upset was because she was pulled over by a police officer for failing to signal with her blinker as she was making a turn. Apparently she doesn't have insurance (which is a big no-no here in Washington). So her ticket was written for $740!! Five hundred and fifty for the failure to have proof of insurance and another hundred and ninety for failing to signal.

All I can say is that she must have argued with the police officer over this ticket because that does seem a bit excessive for failure to use a blinker. I mean, I have done that myself. It can happen. But not having insurance when it is required by law?? That is a totally different story.

You see, I can remember when I was younger and was on my own for the first time, struggling to make ends meet, robbing Peter to pay Paul. I get it. I know what it is like. But I can honestly say that I have never, NEVER gone without auto insurance. There are a few bills that you ALWAYS have to pay on time and your insurance is one of them. Or you DON'T DRIVE!! End of story. Your rent and car payment are the other two biggies that you must pay every month because you need a roof over your head and you need a car to get from A to B. (I know you don't need a car, but I grew up in rural Montana and there was no public transit system to rely on)

It is very irresponsible for anyone to drive an automobile that is uninsured. There is a reason this is a law. And there are consequences when you break the law. End of story.

So I told my father this story and he started to laugh at me. He said I sure must be getting old, because it is funny how my attitude has changed over the years. Maybe that is true. Maybe I am more of a stickler now days and now that I am more mature. But is there really anything wrong with that? At first I was offended by his comment, but the more I think about it, the more I am okay with my reaction. I guess I am just thinking of all the people and or property that she could potentially ruin if she were to crash her car being uninsured. Does she make that much money at her job that she could afford to pay for damages?? I bet not.

I really wanted to post something to her Facebook and give my opinion, but I thought how she may react and decided against it. What's worse, is her friends were sympathizing with her and recanting their "horror" stories of the "idiot" cops they came into contact with. The nerve of those police officers doing their job!!

I guess I would maybe give her a little more sympathy except, and I am not exaggerating here, this is her third post about how she was pulled over by a police officer for one infraction or another but (because she is really cute and bats her eyes) she gets off with a warning! So maybe I think she kinda had it coming. Is that harsh? Am I just being a hater to all those pretty young things out there that can bat their eye lashes or show some skin to get away with murder? Maybe. But I am a true believer in Karma. So what goes around comes around. Maybe she will learn a valuable lesson here and maybe realize that she has no business being behind a wheel of a car if it has no insurance.

But I am sure that is asking too much!

Wishing you all good health and humor. Oh, and DON'T DRIVE UNINSURED!! Just sayin'!

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