Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Science of Sleep

Sleep. Something that we all need. Something that we all cannot live without. Something that happens in the nighttime (for most people that is). Something that apparently, my body doesn't remember how to do properly.

Last night was the fourth night in a row that I was not been able to sleep through the night. I wake anywhere from two AM to four thirty AM...wide awake and raring to go.

WTF? What is wrong with this picture?

Perhaps it is because I have been much more active over the last week with the remodel of my bedroom. Perhaps it is because the weather fairies have turned up the temperature knob to Uber-hot. Perhaps there is something going on with my RA. All I know for sure, is that I cannot sleep when I should be. It is getting pretty frustrating.

Lack of sleep makes me irritable. Lack of sleep makes me feel achy and sore. But most of all, lack of sleep makes me fat. Yep. I said it: fat. How does the lack of sleep make one fat you may be asking yourself? Well let me tell you. When I am not sleeping, I want to eat. I don't know why; it just happens. I found myself up this morning at four thirty AM and shoving my face with a strawberry Pop-Tart. Was I hungry? No. Did I need a Pop-Tart? No. That is why sleeping disorders cause people to gain weight. It is a proven fact. Look it up if you don't believe me.

I get anxious when I can't sleep because I think that I am going to go through another bout of insomnia. About two years ago, I suffered from the worst insomnia that I have ever experienced. I couldn't sleep for more than two hours at a time and was up all hours of the night. It was awful. I prayed for sleep. I wished for sleep. Hell, I even bargained for sleep with whatever God, saint, or spiritual being out there would listen to me. Nothing worked.

What did I do when I couldn't sleep? I baked. I baked cookies. I baked cakes. I baked a pie too. The problem was, that I was also eating most of these baked goods. Not so great for the waistline if you know what I mean. When it finally got back to normal, I never wanted to bake anything ever again. Actually, now that I think about it, with the exception of some Christmas cookies last year, I really haven't baked much since then. Oh, the injustice!! All because I couldn't sleep.

So tonight I will go to bed, a bit anxious and overtired, awaiting for the alarm clock to read an insane number, only hoping and wishing that it won't arrive before six AM.

Right. Like that is going to happen! We shall see though.

Wishing you all good health and humor...and a good night's sleep!!

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