Saturday, January 22, 2011

A favor of my friends...

A dear friend of mine has a brother who is only 19 years old and is suffering from the most awful migraines known to man, and after years of endless doctors and tests, they cannot figure out why or how to stop them. He is in an immeasurable amount of pain so much so that he cannot even be touched by another human because it hurts too much. He has not been able to move out of his parent's home, get a job, or go to college, because he cannot even come out of his darkened bedroom most days. The simple smells of a home cooked meal coming from the kitchen induces violent vomiting. He has tried every pain medicine under the sun to no avail. I just found out that after several years on morphine and other narcotics, he now has to go to rehab to "detox" his body from all the medications because they don't know which ones are beneficial anymore. So this wonderful boy who is in excruciating pain, must now stop ALL medicines and start from scratch. AGAIN!!

Having Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease where we are always in pain. But there are levels to our pain, and for many, it can be treated and managed with many medications. For my friend's brother, this is not an option and he must remain in pain.

Does this seem fair? Is this really what God has planned for him??

I mean sure, we all question our faith in God and his plan at hard times in our lives and we must have faith that there is a rhyme and a reason for most of the strife and struggle in the world. I have to believe that having RA, a disease with chronic pain which I will have for the remainder of my life, has happened for a reason. Perhaps it is taking me down a path to something wonderful. But sometimes, it is hard to NOT question God and simply ask "WHY??"

Why do some people have to suffer more than others?
Why are there no answers when we need them the most?
How can you allow a mother to watch her child suffer and leave her helpless?

What did he do to deserve such an awful hand? I just doesn't seem fair.

I guess that is where I am going with this post. I know that not everything in this world is "fair" but sometimes you gotta stop and say, "ENOUGH...give the poor kid a break!!"

I don't know. It just makes me sad. I know what pain is. I am sure I have never experienced anything like what he has endured over the last few years and I pray that I never do. Hopefully he will find himself pain free and healthy in the near future and this will all have seemed like a far away least I hope so.

So tonight when you go to sleep...if I could ask a personal favor, please just give a kind thought or prayer to your God or deity or whatever you believe in...just stop and send out some good vibes for my friend's brother and his family in hopes that his struggle will end soon. He has his whole life ahead of him and he deserves to live it.

Wishing you all good health and humor...

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