Monday, January 17, 2011

Catch up!

Hey ya'll! Sorry I haven't posted in a few months. Things here have been, to say the least, CRAZY!!

Quick run down since the last post:
1. Continued with the high protein diet and was getting quite good at it...but did you know that you have to eat a WHOLE LOTTA chocolate to get to your 100 grams per day! It was hard, but I gave it my all!
2. I ended up in the hospital around Thanksgiving. It began with ride from our friendly neighborhood ambulance and the male nurse hitting on my in the ER while I was high on morphine!
3. My infection came back and I was put back on antibiotics. I thought it was infected WAY before they (the overly intelligent doctors whom I am trusting my life with) decided to put me back on antibiotics. Found out that it was MRSA so NOW I am treated like a leper every time I come into contact with medical personnel. Oh, and I also got a groovy cellulitis infection on my skin that started on my incision and wrapped around the back of my thigh and crawled up my ass! It was awesome!
4. They removed my wound vac because of the infection! THERE IS A GOD!!! So my pain levels have been diminishing by the day.
5. I have been feeling MUCH better now that the holidays are done and over with. I was really down and depressed this holiday season. It is difficult to be up and happy when all you wanna do is crawl into bed and sleep. BUT, I made it and it was a successful and drama free Christmas! It was actually FABulous!!

So that is a VERY quick rundown and there have been LOTS of other things that happened during those last few months, but I don't feel like rehashing the details with you. And since this is MY blog, I guess I don't have to!!

But I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I go to the plastic surgeon this week to find out about a possible "muscle flap" surgery that could potentially help my hole heal a little faster. Fingers crossed.

I hope to start posting regularly again, but we shall see. Take care and remember to laugh today!!

Wishing you all good health and humor!

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